Road Schooling - Day 3 - 3/17/20

I'm one to sleep in but the kiddos are early risers.  They were awake a good hour and a half before me and that set up some dynamics that weren't pretty.  But we navigated through them and got breakfast and some schoolwork done before we headed for Long Beach to refill a propane tank and use cell service or WiFi to do schoolwork and catching up on the news.  Along the way we dumped a garbage sack at the main dump station in the Park.

At the Propane dealer there was a sign saying 'Closed for Corona Virus; go to the Chevron gas station'.  So we did and the attendant there was surprised to hear that they were closed.  But she filled our propane bottle and that'll probably give us enough propane for the rest of the week.

We found an entry to Long Beach where we parked and the kiddos did their online lessons, and I caught up on email and Cruise related matters.  We then made a tourist stop in town to check out some wood carving sculptures and an antique store before heading back to the McD's for a 2pm lunch.  The McD's is closed for sit down lunch, so we purchased a round of cheese burgers and retreated to the pickup to use the free WiFi to watch the Gothard Sisters do an Irish music concert on this St. Patrick's Day.  They are a favorite musical group of our extended family and their concert is available to watch at this week.

After a long lunch we headed back towards camp and made a stop at the Old Town Coffee Cafe to pick up some corned beef and cabbage soup we saw advertised on a sandwich board on our way out.  We're trying to support the local economy as best we can.  Back inside the park we stopped at  McKenzie Head.  This site was near where William Clark camped in 1805.  The kiddos were enthralled to read the signage and joked about some of the differences in spelling of some words between then and now.  We then hiked up the 1/4 mile trail to the top where we enjoyed the views and explored two WWII gun emplacements and a pillbox.  A nice sized frog even made an appearance in the algae filled pond in one of the gun emplacements.  We also discovered that we could see the other lighthouse at Cape Disappointment and could see Oregon across the mouth of the Columbia River.

At camp the kiddos rode their bikes while I washed some spots one the truck I missed yesterday. A new couple is in space #63 next to us.  They have a cute R-Pod trailer and have been coming here since they were kids.  Mac 'n cheese was the kiddos dinner while Angela and I enjoyed the corned beef and cabbage soup with rye bread.  While Angela did a ukulele music lesson with the kiddos, I built a fire which we later used for making s'mores.  After using the public restroom at the end of our culdesac, Jakob & I spotted a mother blacktail deer and her faun making their way through camp.

Tonight was an iPad free night.  Jakob finished his homework lesson while Katie read and Angela went back to the public shower for a warm sprinkling.  They were in bed by around 8:15 and we set up our Murphy bed around 9.  It was a good day and the kiddos experienced a lot of hands on history, biology, spelling, architecture, music, and much more.


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